
“You eat centipedes?”

“Good heavens, no. I eat millipedes.”

“Ew. I don’t know if we can be friends anymore.”

“That’s rude.”

“I’m joking.”

“Of coarse you are…”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It’s just… huuuuuu… I feel like we can never have a meaningfull conversation.”

“Are you on drugs or something? Since when were you all into feeling and emotion?’

“Well maybe you would know if you talked to me more instead of just going out drinking every night.”

“But… dude… we go drinking together.”

“Ye but you can’t be sincere when your drunk.”

“Sure you can, you just have to use a little imaginatioin.”

“I don’t get it.”

“What? Really? I guess this just got a little more akward then.”

“I agree this isn’t the place to have this conversation but if we putt it off we’ll never have it.”

“Ok whats on your mind?”


“Maybe a little.”

“I hate you.”

“I don’t understand why.”


The last log of an adventurers journal

YEAR: 2099



Everyone I know is dead. Cindy got a disease. Derek got eaten by monkeys. Catherine died from a drug overdose and Roman just left… so I guess he isn’t really dead but, I’m never gonna see him again soooooooooo as far as I’m conserned he is dead. I fell down a hill and now I’m bleeding slowly to death. Writing this feels pointless because no one is going to find it. Unless some one does. In that case welcome dear reader. I hope you enjoy my final moments alive on this planet. We came here to be adventurous and have bragging rights when we got home, but then all my friends are dead and I’m gonna kick the bucket here pretty soon too. In the end do I regret coming here? Uhhhh yeah I would say so. You know? I’m not happy that all my friends are dead. It’s kinda… really sad actually. Thanks for reminding me. Crazy? No I’m not crazy. Just ummmmmmmm not the same as I was befooooooorrrrrrrrrrreeeeeee. Right. Right. Right. You understand me bru. I’m not crazy… of coarse not.

Time travel

A few months ago I was kidnapped. By me from the year 2099, and me from the year 1601. Obviously they dont get along. 1601 yells witch craft whenever 2099 use some technical shiz nips. 2099 gets irritated whenever this goes on for reasons that should be clear to anyone with a younger brother. When they first kidnapped me they said it was to fix a mistake I had made. But there is defiantly something more going on because 2099 looks like he is in his mid 20s and 1601 looks like he is at least 40. I just got caught in the middle. We are walking down a lonely road going along the northern coast of medievel england. None of us are entirely sure were this is going. We keep walking when 1601 slips. He begins to tumble down a cliff until he comes to a stop atop an alcove half way down. 2099 begins to climb down but the rock is slick with 1601’s blood. I just stand back and watch. I begin to go over what I’ve gone through. So I take out our time travel device and try to go back to my own time. As I get sucked through time I begin to understand what the “big problem” is, and I just made it. When I touch down on my front lawn it’s different then I remember. Looking around I find that the world is in ruins. I must have created a tear in the universe by leaving 2099 and 1601 together. With out the time travel device to stablize the paradox the world must have begun to eat it’s selfup trying to fix the problem. The problem with though is that now the whole world is ending. Not just the world NOW, but the world LATER, and BEFORE. So I punch in the time I want to go to. 10 seconds before I leave should give me enough time to stop myself. I pop out of the winds of time finding my self in the scene I ran from almost 400 years ago. I can see the gears turning in my head. My hand begins to lift from it’s resting possition to punch in the numbers that would have ended time. But I begin to make a full sprint towards my self. I tackle him and connect with his midsection sending us both over the cliff. We tumble into 2099 and 1601 and we all get battered and scraped as we fall towards the waters below. As we fall into the water we are able to stay afloat for a short time but with our wounds we cant stay up for long. One by one we all begin to sink to the bottom. First the other me, then 1601, then 2099. I am able to stay up and ponder what I’ve done. Did I just make a heroic sacrafice? Or am I now a mass murderer. Or maybe it’s an assist suicied. These thoughts continue in my head as I begin to sink further and further into the murky depths. The light plays of the surface of the water and it begins to hurt my eyes, so I shut them tight. I sink further and further. Until I wake up on a bed in the year 2098, but it’s only 6 in the mourning so i try to go back to sleep.

Books are rad

My dad loves to read. He, my aunt and grandma trade books tirelessly. My dad introduced me to my favorite books series of all time. The wheel of time by Robert Jordan quickly became the book that occupied my thoughts through middle school. Every character has his or her own distinctive voice and there are so many I couldnt name them all off. Im still trying to get through book 9 of 14. My dad still reads every night right before he goes to bed. One of my earliest memories is of my dad reading the hobbit to me when I was little. Because of that I read the hobbit, the fellowship of the ring, the two towers and Im biding my time until I can get a copy of the return of the king.


As a kid I loved to hear stories. Video games, movies, books, tv shows. Anything that had an interesting compelling story I would be interested in. To this day I dont want a video game if I dont think the story is very good. One of my favorite movies of all time is Dawn of the Planet of the Apes because of the great story it had. I always get so excited on days when I know Im going to go see a movie with my family.