Books are rad

My dad loves to read. He, my aunt and grandma trade books tirelessly. My dad introduced me to my favorite books series of all time. The wheel of time by Robert Jordan quickly became the book that occupied my thoughts through middle school. Every character has his or her own distinctive voice and there are so many I couldnt name them all off. Im still trying to get through book 9 of 14. My dad still reads every night right before he goes to bed. One of my earliest memories is of my dad reading the hobbit to me when I was little. Because of that I read the hobbit, the fellowship of the ring, the two towers and Im biding my time until I can get a copy of the return of the king.


As a kid I loved to hear stories. Video games, movies, books, tv shows. Anything that had an interesting compelling story I would be interested in. To this day I dont want a video game if I dont think the story is very good. One of my favorite movies of all time is Dawn of the Planet of the Apes because of the great story it had. I always get so excited on days when I know Im going to go see a movie with my family.

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